Surface Meth Drug Testing for Meth News and Blogs
Encapsulation Method for Methamphetamine Remediation
The Australian Guidelines stipulates encapsulation as a method used in an hierarchical approach to remediating clan labs of methamphetamine. It works, learn how to do it properly.
Methamphetamine Decontamination Guidelines
Meth Decontamination Guidelines Testing Companies and individuals come across methamphetamine contamination on a regular basis, however not all contamination is the same, there is contamination from methamphetamine manufacture and then there is contamination caused by...
COVID-19 Potentially Effective Treatment Found
University of Queensland may have found an effective treatment for Coronavirus. Treatment of early infected patients have come back clear of any virus in their system.
Methamphetamine Voluntary Code of Practice
The Methamphetamine Voluntary Code of Practice is not supported by all Government Agencies due to being in conflict with National and State guidance. Voluntary Codes of Practice are secondary documents to National Standards and Guidelines.
Third Hand Exposure to Methamphetamine Research
Third Hand Exposure to Methamphetamine. MTK Group has committed to support a research project into the health effects from third hand exposure to methamphetamine with the University of Queensland ( UQ ) Queensland Allied Environmental Health Services ( QAEHS ) in...
Top Australian Lab validates MTK groups Meth Rapid Tests
Looking for Australia’s only calibrated and Australian validated Rapid Test for methamphetamine? Like all products we supply they are reliable and of the highest quality.
Meth Decontamination Chemicals
Meth Decontamination Chemicals from Australia’s number 1 supplier of meth testing and decontamination training. Sugar Soap or Decon 130 on its own will work for levels up to about 2 micrograms per 100 cm2 relatively easily. Above this level your job will be made easier using a Decon 130 and Decon 750 mix.
MTK Group engages new USA partner for Methamphetamine Rapid Test
MTK Group manufactures and supplies the only rapid test in Australia that has been validated in Australia. MTK is a major supplier of Rapid Tests, Lab tests and certified training for inspectors.
EO Sterile Tubes
EO Sterile Tubes What is EO Sterilization ? High temperature sterilization methods is the most common heat sterilization method for loads not sensitive to heat along with other similar methods such as steam sterilization. E.O Sterilization also known as Ethylene Oxide...
NIOSH 9111 Wipe Sampling test kits
Looking for Australia’s number 1 lab testing kits for Methamphetamine. Our vials are of the highest standards, sterile, 50mm PP vials specifically designed for centrifugal lab testing for analytes such as methamphetamine.