Discrete Lab testing kits

If you have heard of Discrete or Forensic lab testing for Methamphetamine and you are wondering what it is, it is the NIOSH 9111 wipe sampling method and it is a two-part process.  This sampling is always done in the 10x10cm cardboard template and then sent to the lab.  The second part of the NIOSH 9111 test is how the lab analyses the swabs in the laboratory, this combined is the NIOSH 9111 method of testing for methamphetamine.

Our vials are of the highest quality 50mm graduated sterile PP tubes specifically designed for lab centrifugal testing for analytes such as methamphetamine.

The Isopropyl wipe and cardboard template are also provided along with nitrile powder free gloves.

To view and purchase these kits click here

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